Great learning opportunity presented by Ajay Semalty on CD complexes in general

Great learning opportunity presented by Ajay Semalty on CD complexes in general. Here you can learn about CD chemistry and basic properties and techniques to make complexes, and analyze them shown in several practical examples. Extremely informative!
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Cyclodextrin Complexes I
Cyclodextrin Complexes II

Fully Symmetric Cyclodextrin Polycarboxylates: How to Determine Reliable Protonation Constants from NMR Titration Data

We are happy to share the most recent paper of Milo Malanga Ph.D. on acid-base properties of cyclodextrin, particularly Sugammadex and its analogs developed together with Semmelweis University (Szabolcs BéniEszter Kalydi), Richter Gedeon Nyrt. / Magyarország (Zoltán Szakács), Gábor Benkovics PhD and Dóra Ujj.
The pH-dependent charge of these compounds can now be accurately calculated in support of designing new analytical methods to exploit their charge-dependent molecular recognition, such as in cyclodextrin-aided chiral capillary electrophoresis.

Molecular docking approach for prediction of enantioseparation of miconazole using cyclodextrin derivatives as chiral selector

I have spent several years studying the chiral recognition of CDs and always considered that selectivity is unpredictable and needs to be tested. In the paper of Jenderal Soedirman University (Ainaya Halwa Lathufa, Uyi Sulaeman, et al.) and Hassan Aboul-Enein enatioseparation of miconazole with molecular docking is predicted using CD derivatives such as sulfated-β-cyclodextrin, hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, and hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selectors.

See the full article here.

The problem is that all these CDs are composites consisting of hundreds of different specific molecules, which makes proper modeling, so to say, “challenging.” But what do you think?

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