New member at CarboHyde

At CarboHyde, we are pleased to introduce our Chief Scientific Officer, Milo Malanga, Ph.D.!

Milo has 10+ years of experience in cyclodextrin chemistry. He was a senior research chemist at CycloLab. He developed many cyclodextrin-based nanocarriers with targeting functions and multimodal activities. He designed 30+ Sugammadex impurities and new cyclodextrins-based APIs. His current interests are the production of cationic amphiphilic cyclodextrins able to interact with nucleic acids and cross biological barriers (GENEGUT). His primary focus is the creation of carbohydrate-based APIs for unmet medical needs.

Milo will be our greatest help in the journey ahead, and we could not imagine a better partner to travel with!

New member of the Scientific Advisory Board

CarboHyde welcomes our newest member to its Scientific Advisory Board, Agnes Toth-Petroczy.

Ágnes Toth-Petroczy is a Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and the Center for Systems Biology Dresden. Her interdisciplinary lab combines computational methods with wet-lab experiments to advance our understanding of protein evolution. Current research highlights include studying and modeling protein synthesis errors, investigating proteins forming biomolecular condensates, and classifying the effects of mutations in disease-relevant genes. Previously, she worked as a bioinformatician at HMX – Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital Division of Genetics as part of a collaborative Mendelian disease gene discovery initiative and participated in the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN)

Her broad expertise in biochemistry, molecular evolution, structural bioinformatics, and clinical genetics will undoubtedly benefit the development of products at CarboHyde.

New member of the Scientific Advisory Board

It’s our honor to introduce the next scientific advisory board member at CarboHydeCristin Davidson is the project manager for Support Of Accelerated Research for Niemann-Pick C disease (SOAR-NPC) and a guest researcher at The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

Her scientific pursuits involve the treatment of rare diseases, as she currently investigates gene therapy and other compounds for NPC disease in small animal models. Cristin was part of an academic/government/family/industry collaborative team that brought 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-#cyclodextrin to a clinical trial for NPC patients. One of her driving motivations is the rapid advancement of disease-modifying therapies for those with limited or no options. 

We are over the moon to have you on board, Cristin!

New member of the Scientific Advisory Board

We are excited to present the following member of the CarboHyde family, joining the experts of the Scientific Advisory Board. Szabolcs Béni is a widely known expert in carbohydrate analysis and extraction from different plants whose knowledge will be one of our core assets in the progression of our pipeline. 

Szabolcs is the vice-dean and department head of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy at Semmelweis University, who enjoys working with students while engaged in chemical research of various carbohydrates. Analytical method developments for the characterization of cyclodextrins, milk oligosaccharides, and glycosaminoglycans are in the focus of his interest. NMR spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, and various separation techniques are in his toolbox to tackle the issues raised by chemists and biologists for carbohydrate characterization to advance understanding of their functions.

New member of the company

We are happy to announce that Gergely Tóth will join the team of CarboHyde as a Strategic Director, responsible for the company’s financial, legal, and other functional areas.
Gergely has 2+ years of experience in the pharma sector; prior to that, he had worked in various roles in the energy industry.

“I Think This Is The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship!
I’m very excited to join a great Pharmaceutical startup, CarboHyde, as a Director of Strategy. I will be responsible for the financial, legal, and other functional areas. Here, we develop carbohydrate-based therapies and will help others to do so. Moreover, we are committed to building a TEAL-based company culture, which we believe will be a key strength of our company.”

Welcome on board, Gergely!

New member of the Scientific Advisory Board

We are proud to share the next member in the CarboHyde family, joining our excellent experts on the Advisory Board. Ákos Lőrincz has a complementary experience in physiology and immunology; we all respect and need to advance our pipeline most efficiently. 

Ákos is an Assistant Professor at Semmelweis University, Institute of Physiology, and a practicing cardiologist. His scientific interest is the biology of extracellular vesicles, particularly the formation of immune cell-derived extracellular vesicles and their role in immune communication. He is also convinced that the general goal of basic research is to acquire knowledge that can be applied in clinical work; therefore, he is intensively studying these vesicles’ diagnostic and therapeutic potential.

Related to carbohydrates, the surface of cellular and subcellular biological structures (e.g., extracellular vesicles) is covered with carbohydrates. The role of the glycocalyx in the formation and addressing of vesicles has already been demonstrated. In his research, He is looking for the answer to whether media with different carbohydrate compositions can increase the stability of storage-sensitive vesicle structures.

Welcome on board, Ákos!

New pipeline asset

CarboHyde announces the development of a new pipeline asset in an undisclosed partnership: we will work on the optimization, scale-up, and industrialization of a novel, carbohydrate-based non-viral gene delivery system which provided promising results in proof-of-concept preclinical studies. We expect the technology to be widely compatible with different oligonucleotides and become a safer alternative to currently used LNPs.

International cyclodextrin Symposium

The cyclodextrin event of the year is around the corner with world-class speakers from all around the globe delivering talks on all kinds of topics related to our favorite sugars.

Tamas Sohajda from our advisory board talks about cyclodextrins as antiviral agents and drug delivery systems.

We hope to see many new faces there too!

Check out the schedule here: