Degree and distribution of substitution of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin in enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction and countercurrent chromatographic enantioseparation

Using CDs in enantioseparation is rather straightforward. On an analytical level. However, preparation is a completely different question. Potential solutions for this problem and the impact of CD types are explored in the study of Zhejiang University of Technology and Jiaxing University, discussing applications in CPC and liquid-liquid extraction.

See the full article here

Formulations with reduced degradation of polysorbate

Using CDs to formulate proteins, dominantly to prevent aggregation is more or less known; there are CDs marketed for such uses (Roquette – Kleptose Biopharma) still, no product is on the market.
This patent from Genentech (Brian ConnollyLydia HamburgEmily Holz) proposes another feature: when using CDs with monoclonal antibodies, degradation of polysorbates is also reduced.

Cyclodextrins: Only Pharmaceutical Excipients or Full-Fledged Drug Candidates?

What is the future of cyclodextrin: excipient or API?
A very timely review from University of Debrecen (Gyorgy PanyiFlorina Zakany, et al.) discussing #molecular targets, mechanism of action, and ongoing research in several diseases. Which do you think holds the future?

See the full article here

Molecular docking approach for prediction of enantioseparation of miconazole using cyclodextrin derivatives as chiral selector

I have spent several years studying the chiral recognition of CDs and always considered that selectivity is unpredictable and needs to be tested. In the paper of Jenderal Soedirman University (Ainaya Halwa Lathufa, Uyi Sulaeman, et al.) and Hassan Aboul-Enein enatioseparation of miconazole with molecular docking is predicted using CD derivatives such as sulfated-β-cyclodextrin, hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, and hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selectors.

See the full article here.

The problem is that all these CDs are composites consisting of hundreds of different specific molecules, which makes proper modeling, so to say, “challenging.” But what do you think?

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