Giving you my heart becomes reality

Insight Heart is a 3D interactive app that offers a comprehensive and immersive journey into the human heart. It features high-resolution visuals, real-time insights, and interactive elements, making medical education engaging, accessible and enjoyable for students, physicians, and patients anytime and anywhere.

Its key features include a spatial computing experience, multi-user sessions, filter system exploration, and condition visualizations, which allow for remote and efficient collaboration, in-depth understanding of the heart’s complex structures, and an immersive experience of heart conditions.

This provides a new level of understanding and immersion in medical education.

INSIGHT HEART on Apple Vision Pro (

Solving the puzzle of 2-hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin: Detailed assignment of the substituent distribution by NMR spectroscopy

Its our pleasure to announce our most recent paper on

Solving the puzzle of 2-hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin: Detailed assignment of the substituent distribution by NMR spectroscopy

resulting from a collaboration with Semmelweis University and Aalborg University.

Recognizing that the distribution of substituents significantly influences the complexation ability and overall activity of the derivative, primarily by altering cavity dimensions, we present a straightforward and non-destructive method based on liquid state NMR spectroscopy to analyze the positions of the hydroxypropyl sidechains. This method relies on a single set of routine experiments to establish quantitative assignment and it provides a simple yet effective tool to disclose the substitution pattern of this complex material, utilizing easily accessible (400 MHz NMR) instrumentation.

Szabolcs BéniEszter KalydiThorbjørn Terndrup NielsenReinhard WimmerMilo Malanga PhD

Solving the puzzle of 2-hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin: Detailed assignment of the substituent distribution by NMR spectroscopy – ScienceDirect

Recovery of precious and rare earth metals using cyclodextrin

Today’s cyclodextrin is a unique practical application by CYCLADEX INC that many of you may not know: the recovery of precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and rare earths from precious metal-bearing materials.

Cycladex has developed a series of technologies for the isolation of important metals, including gold, silver, and, its newest discovery, a process for lithium. The Technology has been scaled up in our demonstration plant in the US, and the results show significantly lower costs with environmentally friendly chemicals and excellent yields.

In this setup, cyclodextrins are added to the alkali metal/metal bromide solution to precipitate a metal cyclodextrin complex.