Multifunctional γ-Cyclodextrin-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks as Avermectins Carriers for Controlled Release and Enhanced Acaricidal Activity

This is a bit of agriculture: CD-MOFs loaded with avermectin were reported by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Inserting these broad-spectrum pesticides within a structure can protect them from degrading easily when exposed to light and make them more potent against pests. The CD-MOF can carry up to 20% of its weight in avermectins, which when nestled in the CD-MOF’s pores are twice as stable under bright light as naked avermectins. 
The researchers found that their avermectin-loaded CD-MOF was up to 20 times as effective as powdered avermectins alone at killing the citrus red mite Panonychus citri, which commonly infests citrus plants. 
Applying the loaded CD-MOFs to cotton plants, another crop that is commonly protected by avermectins yielded a modest increase in root and stem growth after two weeks. In contrast, applying powdered avermectins inhibited plant growth.

See the full article here.

Nice to have you on board, Nina; good luck with your studies!

Fresh brains are always welcome at CarboHyde, thus we are particularly happy to host Nina Burduja student of Antonino Mazzaglia from Università degli Studi di Messina for 6 months. Nina’s project is to create #biodegradable#nanomaterials based on #cyclodextrin as molecular carriers for bio-delivery and chemo and bio species monitoring.

Nice to have you on board, Nina, good luck with your studies!
Milo MalangaLászló RagányiKristóf FelegyiMihaly BalintTamas SohajdaTamás VargadiGergely Toth

Veklury® (remdesivir) formulations inhibit initial membrane-coupled events of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to their sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin content

It has always been a bit of a mystery that given the antiviral effect of certain cyclodextrin, we can attribute all the antiviral effect of Veklury to remdesivir, which takes 3% of the formulation or maybe SBECD (97% of the formulation) also has some role. Researchers from University of Debrecen explore those questions.
Veklury® and different cholesterol-depleting cyclodextrins (CDs) reduced the binding of the spike receptor binding domain to ACE2 and spike trimer internalization for Wuhan-Hu-1, Delta, and Omicron variants. Correlations of these effects with cholesterol-dependent changes in membrane structure and decreased, lipid raft-dependent ACE2-TMPRSS2 interaction establish that SBECD is not simply a vehicle but also an effector in Veklury® due to its cholesterol-depleting potential.
Gyorgy PanyiFlorina Zakany et al.

See the full article here.

Templated Enzymatic Synthesis of δ-Cyclodextrin

Recently, I tried to summarize in a blog post, how CDs are made from starch. Although such technologies have been used for decades, there is room for improvement for some derivatives. Sophie Beeren, Andreas Erichsen and Günther Peters at DTU – Technical University of Denmark explore this room using bolaamphiphile templates to produce δ-CD with unprecedented yields in an enzyme-mediated dynamic combinatorial library of cyclodextrins. This technology can open a new and more efficient way to produce some native cyclodextrins. Or even derivatives

See the article here.

See the Cyclodextrin Tales: From Starch to Cyclodextrins: Understanding the Production Process

We the Scientists: How a Daring Team of Parents and Doctors Forged a New Path for Medicine

Behind some science, there are stories to learn as the human side is more important than the professional one. The tale that tells us how hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin became a drug candidate from an excipient to treat desperate patients suffering in Niemann-Pick type C disease is certainly a story worth telling and reading. A new science book by The Wall Street Journal reporter Amy Dockser Marcus took over a decade to write and includes the journey of the Hempel family trying to save Addi & Cassi’s lives with cyclodextrin (they were the first patients treated with the drug).

Order the book on

Site-specific modification of a glycoprotein through transglutaminase-mediated conjugation 

Cool glyoco-invention got into the light from Zhaohui Sunny Zhou and Amissi Sadiki (Northeastern University), who study methods for making a site-specific modification of a glycoprotein that preserve the charge and glycoform of the glycoprotein. In short, one or more glycans are trimmed from the glycoprotein while keeping a core glycan attached to the glycoprotein. The removal of one or more glycans provides access to a targeted amino acid for a site-specific reaction. The attached core glycan can optionally be utilized for modulation of the glycoprotein, or one or more glycans or reagents can be attached to the core.

See the patent on Espacenet.

A cyclodextrin polymer as supramolecular matrix for scalable green photooxygenation of hydrophobic substrates in homogeneous phase

We are proud of the fruit of our most recent collaboration with Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Semmelweis University.

Complexation of the hydrophobic substrates within a hydrophilic cyclodextrin polymer allowed their photooxygenation in a homogeneous aqueous environment. These results hold great potential for the launch of CD polymers both as reaction vessels for green, homogeneous photocatalysis and as a drug delivery carrier of oxygen-releasing agents in tissues.

Marco Agnes, Arianna Mazza, Eszter KalydiSzabolcs BéniMilo MalangaIlse Manet

See the full article here.